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COVID-19 Announcement – May 20th

Wednesday May 20th

12:00 p.m.

Following is a status update pursuant to CKO’s communication regarding the May 14th announcement by Premier Ford with respect to amendments to the restrictions related to the COVID-19 State of Emergency. The Emergency Order amendment has been published and is live on e-laws. You can find the complete text of the amendment at the following link:

The relevant section for CKO as well as other PSOs is referenced below:

34.4 Facilities, other than pools, that are in compliance with section 8 of Schedule 3 and that are being used by one or more of the following organizations, leagues or clubs to train amateur or professional athletes or to run amateur or professional athletic competitions:

i. A national sport organization funded by Sport Canada or a member club of such an organization.

ii. A provincial sport or multi-sport organization recognized by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries or a member club of such an organization.

CKO has also received confirmation from the insurer that we are able to commence programs subject to adoption of the recommended CKC Return to Paddle protocols.

The Emergency Order amendment combined with insurance confirmation enable CKO and its disciplines to commence programming. Please be advised that all Clubs should strictly adhere to the following requirements and guidelines:

  1. CKC Return to Paddle Guidelines – Please note: At no time should these guidelines be interpreted as superseding or providing a justification for not closely following public health directives, government regulations or further canoe kayak specific or general return to sport guidelines in a given member organization’s municipality, province or territory.

  1. Local, Regional and Municipal Government of Health Authority Orders – Follow and keep up-to-date.

  2. CKC Cold-Water Safety Regulations

  1. Ministry Workplace Safety Regulations*

*CKO recommends that Clubs confer with their staff to ensure they are comfortable in completing their duties.

  1. CKC Release Agreement* – This explicitly states that infections such as Covid-19 are not covered by insurance. Each athlete must sign this prior to commencing training.

*Please note that there may be updates to the CKC release agreement.

  1. Membership Status: All paddlers MUST be registered and in good standing with their club or discipline.

  2. Transport Canada requires that all safety boats* need to be on the water with mandatory equipment.  Otherwise each individual kayak canoe must have all required equipment. *Whitewater excluded.

  3. Athletes must be proficient: In order to maintain physical distancing, paddlers who are likely to capsize and need rescuing should not be on the water.

  4. CKC’s COVID-19 Return to Paddling Risk Mitigation Checklist: CKO recommends that members complete the checklist to determine their readiness to commence programming.

  5. Insurer Recommendations: Clubs should adhere to standard practises     utilized by health units as items. These should include but not limited to:

  6. Signage

  7. Wash stations at entrance to facility(s).

  8. Arrows directing flow of foot traffic.

  9. Use own gear.  Wash/wipe down of shared gear or when contacted by others.

  10. Disinfect contact areas and maintain record log keeping of date and time when done.

  11. Have a protocol in place when people don’t follow guidelines.

  12.  Additional Emergency Order requirements that all clubs should adhere to include:

Facilities for athletic training or competitions

8. Every person responsible for a facility described in paragraph 34.4 of Schedule 2 shall ensure that,

(a) the only persons permitted to use the facility are athletes who are members of an organization, league or club described in paragraph 34.4 of Schedule 2;

(b) any person who enters or uses the facility maintains a physical distance of at least two metres from any other person who is using the facility;

(c) team sports and pool-based sports are not practised or played within the facility;

(d) other sports or games that are likely to result in individuals coming within two metres of each other are not practised or played within the facility;

(e) all sport activities are conducted in accordance with the rules and policies of the applicable organization identified in paragraph 34.4 of Schedule 2, including the rules and policies put in place to enable a safe return to the sport;

(f) no spectators are permitted at the facility, other than up to one accompanying parent, guardian or other adult for each athlete under the age of 18; and

(g) any locker rooms, change rooms, showers and clubhouses in the facility remain closed, except to the extent they provide access to a washroom or a portion of the facility that is used to provide first aid.


This is a new situation for us all. The CKO Board is committed to supporting member clubs as they move through this process. If you need assistance please email your questions to your discipline office or executive.

CKO will also be hosting a webinar to answer questions and provide an opportunity for clubs to share best practices.

An email will be sent to all clubs with registration details including date and time.

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